What happened to CELCOM???
Tak tahu kenapa rasa hari ni tak boleh tahan dah dengan CELCOM.
CELCOM poor service. Offer product giler2 bagus... X konon.
Semlm Sept 5th 2009, jam 10.49 pagi, sy buat payment via Celcom online, using my credit card (maybank).
Soon after that, Maybank officer call me to verify and approve that transaction in CELCOM online.
I noticed that in the CELCOM online, tertera note kata within 24 hrs after payment, line will reactivated.
Now, is 11:03 am, Sept 6th 2009.
I've tried to call CELCOM careline yesterday afternoon, twice attempt to talk to operator, but no one pick up!!!
Nak la minta depa reactivate cepat sket.
Pagi ni call CELCOM careline.
1st call operator ntah ape2 ntah... dia kata in their system, no update on my yesterday payment.... asyik dok kata if using Maybank2u mmg lmbt sket. She asked for ref no, and I said, i dun have coz left in ofis (the online receipt)... Tak faham2 la dia ni, i was made payment using CELCOM online, not Maybank2u website..!!! Takan dlm CELCOM system dia x de my history transaction, if i can hv ref no which was given by CELCOM online, how come CELCOM careline xde the same ref no???
EEE... kureng dh pahala puasa ku!
2nd call, the Indian guy operator said the same. Stupid guy. I was arguing the same. I wan my line to be activated cos, the transaction was success.. he asked to wait but in 2 mins time, the line disconnected...!!! Aiyoyo.. make me crazy la CELCOM ni..!
The 3rd call, I was talked to Noraini, quite nice lady. I reach my laptop and trying to access CELCOM online site via internet,,, mmg slow giler la website depa ni, access from ofis pun sama. I managed to see payment history in CELCOM online, displayed status - SUCCESS..!
Hello, it i can see in CELCOM online success, how come Noraini cannot see my cuccess payment/transaction??? She said, sellau lambat update.
Patutla ramai org mrh dgn CELCOM. Canggih ada online system, but back end, slow update.
She said paling cpt 30mins depa akan activate. I said, i want the fastest time, bkn paling lamabat tau.
Sempat bgtau dia, i hope the CEO would listen to the record of conversation!
Apalah nk jadi dgn CELCOM. Never change the culture.
CELCOM never understand their X customers!!!!