At his age, he may not have the vocabulary to carry on a conversation with you, but he actually did!
Acipboy is truly different from the big brother.
We sometimes caught him imitating the way we act behind the wheel of the car, cleaning the house or even yelling to the big brother & sisters.
To me, his copycat behavior was truly charming but sometimes potentially embarassing.
Children learn by modeling themselves on other people that often involves a lot of direct imitation, especially of people who're admired as well as loved — like big brothers or even from his own parent!
En.suami was trying to repair Along's bicycle and the moment he open up the tools set, acipboy immediately join the father and randomly took 2 pieces of spanar to the other bicycle.
He started to push and pull the spanar onto the rim and i quickly capture the hillarious moment!
Tak nak miss la capture his action as a mechanic..!

Myself and Along always say that "abah" memang tebabom,,, know-all.. no wonder menurun to Acipboy..!