Everyone is crazy about Facebook. Rasanya saya org terakhir kot yg baru mengenali Facebook...yang terlewat....huhuhu
Small world. Register yourself and you'll get connected in just a second. Amazing..!
Mcm tak caya dapat jejak kwn2 lama... yang montel dah kurus, yang hensem dah boroi, yang single dah beranak pinak... semua dah berjaya dgn career memasing... bopren lama je buat masa ni tak dpt jejak kasih lagi.. ekekekeee...
En.suami has warned me last nite that i shud not revealed my identity to others, avoid violation & exploitation... ape dia ingat kita ni sensasi mcm artis ke... org nak sabotaj... tak de org nak sensasikan pn.isteri dia yang dah beranak 5 ni... hehehe...
I personally think that Facebook is a new lifestyle, new trend of being connected to our beloved person. New way of being united & communicated to our long lost friends, either ping to our business clients or new prospects and many more!
In fact, I get to know who is my bosses gang? kwn2 dia sape? huhuhu...
I've told en.suami to get join the community... provoke him that we might get our 'business' grow and recognized by the whole world... who knows... tapi nampak mcm reluctant je dia... almaklum.. retro type... kawen dgn org "KOOL" member rupanya saya nih... jgn mare ye bang... ahaks
The big problem is that, the company i've work for about 12 years did block Facebook and disallow anything that can allow chatting application. Balik umah bkn selalu berkesempatan access internet... selagi Acipboy tak tido lagi... jgn harap ummi dia dpt buka laptop! Laju je jari2 dia press the keyboard... interrupting...kacau daun...
By next week, i'll make sure that i can say hello to my XB... hehehe...