Last night, myself & husband went to GSC 1 Utama to watch "Confession of a shopaholic" movie...We've book via phone reservation 2 days before. As a follower of the novel series, perasaan tu amatlah teruja nak tengok cerita Sophie Kinsella ni difilemkan....
Full house cinema!Initially agak risau juga takut2 en.suami not enjoy watching the movie. Almaklum, walaupun series of Shopaholic books was my last 4years back birthday present from him (exlude Shopaholic & baby la..), he never read the books...mustahillah kan lelaki nak baca buku2 mcm tu...

Guess what... husband saya asyik ketawa dalam panggung...suara dia lbh kuat dari saya...
Back to the movie..best giler..comel sgt Isla Fisher as "Becky"..hensemnya Hugh Dancy as Luke Brandon... i like most the dancing part... so sweet... everyone in the cinema tepuk tgn lagiks... cayalah.... then bila Becky dah start buat gaya menari merapu meraban... kelakar beb!
Lebih kelakar saya menitiskan airmata bila everyone she loves has dump her the moment bad debt problem revealed..! Damn u Derek Smeath..! Nilah bahana dok hafal each watak dlm novel... terbawa2 bila menonton cerita dipanggung!
Not forgotten.. Suze... oh Siuze... i just love her character... bestnya bila ada kwn mcm Suze..!
We both rate 5 ***** (stars)..
May be there will be sequel lepas ni.. based on the other Shopaholic books..

p/s: Lepas ni en.suami mesti lebih memahami isterinya yg shopaholic.. huhuhu...
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